White rabbit! Had to say that to give this blog some sort of luck for the next year, even if I forgot to say that this year (kill me).
Not too much happened today. Got a new phone which is exciting; a samsung a53. Not the one I wanted but it's an upgrade from my broken phone lol! So i'm happy. then me and my dad went and got some shoppin', i got excited cos tesco had new mochi icecream (i dont like the flavours of the lil moon ones...) and then we went home.
kinda writing here cos i just had a mini cry over my nan. went to go find my dad but hes asleep so im idk self soothin by writing this online and eating mochi ice cream (slay). started crying cos her whatsapp pfp of are dog heidi disappeared on my new phone and the last text i sent here was "love you too", which she read, so she must know i love her right? i shouldve visited her more. I'm a shitty family member tbh and i wish i didnt get that from my dad, and i wish i could continue feeling a connection between me and someone else when ive not seen them. i kinda just tend to forget... but i miss her. people see me as a serious n mean person sometimes but im yknow... idk. i like to think her spirit or whatevers still knockin about. shes not dead yk, but she is. idk.